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担任《结构化学》、《精细合成化学》、《分离分析化学》、《科技史》、《实验室安全》等课程的教学;获得省级“应用化学”服务产业特色专业建设、省级“现代测试技术及实验”高等学校精品资源共享课等。主要从事精细化学品特别是医药及医药中间体的合成与纯化、天然活性物质的分离分析、手性合成与拆分及手性识别研究、荧光纳米材料的制备及应用研究等,主持国家自然科学基金项目、福建省科技厅引导性项目等,获福建省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目、福建省教育厅新世纪优秀人才计划等资助,在Chemical Communications, Journal of Chromatography A, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Microchim Acta, Talanta等刊物上发表论文六十余篇。结合色谱保留模型深入探讨了溶剂、温度等对手性拆分的影响,首次提出了手性识别盲区概念合成了基于多糖、环糊精、蛋白质等的手性固定相,部分自制手性色谱柱达到商品柱水平;合成了多种荧光纳米材料,探讨在离子分析、模拟酶催化、手性识别、温度传感、细胞成像、光催化、光电器件等方面的应用。研究了虾青素的分离纯化、衍生及应用,金线莲及公石松等的成分分析、提纯及应用等。授权发明专利2项。


● 福建省科技厅,虾青素粗品的高效分离纯化及酯化衍生工艺研究,2020Y005415万,2020.8-2023.8

● 泉州雷恩生化有限公司,虾青素及姜黄素的分离分析纯化研究,5.0万,2021.3-2024.3

● 漳州市科技重大专项(负责食药用兰科植物天然活性物质研发中心建设),食药用兰科植物综合研发科技创新平台(zz2018ZD20),6.0万,2018.4-2020.3


● 福建省质量技术监督局,不同载体涂敷的纤维素酯手性柱的制备及在手性农药、石化产品分析中的应用,fjqi20131092013.6-2015.12

● 福建省科技厅,球形及整体化硅胶键合环糊精/蛋白质复合物手性固定相的制备及应用福建省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目2012J0600522万,2012.6-2015.8

● 福建省教育厅,新型手性液相色谱柱的制备、应用及色谱保留机理研究,福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划JK20110305万,2011.9-2014.9


● 福建省科技厅,基于联萘基团的新型手性固定相的合成、应用及手性识别机理研究,U07500172007.5-2009.5

● 福建省教育厅,液相色谱手性拆分及手性识别机理的理论研究,JA053012005.9-2008.9

● 福建省科技厅,联萘系列化合物的手性拆分及手性识别机理研究,C05400242005.9-2007.9

● 福建省教育厅,多官能团联萘化合物的合成,K020922002.9-2004.9

● 福建省教育厅高校重点项目,新型手性高效液相色谱柱、手性催化剂的合成和应用,JA9921010万,1999.9-2002.9


Yuhui Weng, Huangjie Li, Mincong Zhu, Aojia Tao, Sha Wang & Wen Weng*. Colorimetric Picomolar-Level Determination of L-Cysteine with Fabricated N, Fe-Codoped Carbon Dots as a Peroxidase Mimic. Analytical Letters, 2022, 55(7), 1149-1163.

Shikong Lu, Meihua Xue, Aojia Tao, Yuhui Weng, Bixia Yao, Wen Weng*, Xiuchun Lin. Facile Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Functionalized Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots as Fluorescence Probe for Fast and Highly Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol. Journal of Fluorescence, 2021, 31(1): 1-9.

Yan Li, Yuhui Weng, Shikong Lu, Meihua Xue, Bixia Yao, Wen Weng*, Tao Zheng. One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis of N, Fe-Codoped Carbon Dots as Mimic Peroxidase and Application on Hydrogen Peroxide and Glucose Detection. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2020, 1363212.

Hantao Guo, Hao Huang, Yan Li, Shikong Lu, Meihua Xue, Wen Weng* and Tao Zheng*. Stepwise preparation of Ti-doped functionalized carbon nitride nanoparticles and hybrid TiO2/graphitic-C3N4 for detection of free residual chlorine and visible-light photocatalysis. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 13848-13851.

Jiaqi Xian, Yuhui Weng, Hantao Guo, Yan Li, Bixia Yao, Wen Weng*. One-pot fabrication of Fe-doped carbon nitride nanoparticles as peroxidase mimetics for H2O2 and glucose detection. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2019, 215, 218-224.

Jiaqing Guo, Yanping Lin, Hao Huang, Shichao Zhang, Tingting Huang, Wen Weng*. One-pot fabrication of fluorescent carbon nitride nanoparticles with high crystallinity as a highly selective and sensitive sensor for free chlorine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 244: 965-971.

Hao Huang, Yuhui Weng , Lihao Zheng, Bixia Yao, Wen Weng*, Xiuchun Lin. Nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots as fluorescent probe for ‘‘off-on” detection of mercury ions, L -cysteine and iodide ions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 506: 373-378.

Yanping Lin, Bixia Yao, Tingting Huang, Shichao Zhang, Xiaotong Cao, Wen Weng*. Selective determination of free dissolved chlorine using nitrogen-doped carbon dots as a fluorescent probe. Microchim Acta, 2016, 183: 2221-2227.

Jie Ma, Baoling Guo, Xiaotong Cao, Yanping Lin, Bixia Yao, Feiming Li, Wen Weng*, Lizhang Huang. One-pot fabrication of hollow cross-linked fluorescent carbon nitride nanoparticles and their application in the detection of mercuric ions. Talanta, 2015, 143: 205-211.

Xiaotong Cao, Jie Ma, Yanping Lin, Bixia Yao, Feiming Li, Wen Weng*, Xiuchun Lin. A facile microwave-assisted fabrication of fluorescent carbon nitride quantum dots and their application in the detection of mercury ions. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2015, 151: 875-880.

Xiaoling Zeng, Xinmei Yang, Feiming Li, Jie Ma, Yanping Lin, Bixia Yao, Lizhang Huang, Wen Weng*. One-step fabrication of nitrogen-doped fluorescent nanoparticles from non-conjugated natural products and their temperature-sensing and bioimaging applications. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 2015, 3: 18-23.

Bixia Yao, Xinmei Yang, Lizhen Guo, Shanshan Kang, Wen Weng*, Development of a composite chiral stationary phase from BSA and β-cyclodextrin-bonded silica, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2014, 52: 1233-1238.

Cui Xiang, Guoqing Liu, Shanshan Kang, Xueping Guo, Bixia Yao, Wen Weng*, Qingle Zeng. Unusual chromatographic enantioseparation behavior of naproxen on an immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase. Journal of Chromatography A, 2011, 1218: 8718-8721.

Fengping Zhan, Guangyan Yu, Bixia Yao, Xueping Guo, Ting Liang, Minggen Yu, Qingle Zeng, Wen Weng*. Solvent effect in the chromatographic enantioseparation of 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol on a polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase. Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, 1217: 4278-4284.

Bixia Yao, Fengping Zhan, Guangyan Yu, Zhifen Chen, Wenjing Fan, Xiongping Zeng, Qingle Zeng, Wen Weng*. Temperature-induced inversion of elution order in the chromatographic enantioseparation of 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol on an immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase. Journal of Chromatography A (2012年获第十届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖), 2009, 1216: 5429-5435.

Wen Weng*, Hongxu Guo, Fengping Zhan, Hongli Fang, Qingxiang Wang, Shunxing Li. Chromatographic enantioseparations of binaphthyl compounds on an immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase. Journal of Chromatography A (2011年获第七届漳州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖), 2008, 1210: 178-184.

Wen Weng*, Qing Hua Wang, Bi Xia Yao, Qing Le Zeng. Enantioseparation of amino acid derivatives on an immobilized network polymer derived from L-tartaric acid. Journal of Chromatography A (2006年获第七届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖), 2004, 1042: 81-87.

Bixia Yao, Guoqing Liu, Shanshan Kang, Cui Xiang, Bei Huang, Wen Weng*, Qingle Zeng. Reversal of Elution Order between Enantiomers of Binaphthol on an Immobilized Polysaccharide-Based Chiral Stationary Phase. Chromatographia, 2011, 74: 625-631.

Guangyan Yu, Lizhen Guo, Feiyun Xie, Bixia Yao, Qingle Zeng, Wen Weng*. Enantioseparation of Hydrobenzoin and Structurally Related Compounds on β-Cyclodextrin and Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin Bonded Chiral Stationary Phases. Chromatographia, 2011, 73: 1049-1055.

Wen Weng*, Feng Ping Zhan, Jing Fu, Ting Li, Xiao Jian Chen, Xiao Jia Huang. Chromatographic Enantioseparations of Binaphthol and Its Derivatives on cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamate). Chromatographia, 2008, 67: 119-123.

Wen Weng*, Qing Le Zeng, Bi Xia Yao, Wen Shi Lin, Qing Hua Wang, Xiu Li You. Enantioseparation of Amino Acid Derivatives with a Cellulose-Based Stationary Phase. Chromatographia, 2006, 64:463-467.

Wen Weng*, Qingle Zeng, Bixia Yao, Qinghua Wang, Saiqing Li. Influence of mobile phase composition on the apparent thermodynamic characteristics in liquid chromatographic enantioseparation on a tartardiamide-based stationary phase. Chromatographia, 2005, 61:561-566.

翁文*,韩景立,陈友遵,黄晓佳. 手性传感器研究进展. 化学进展, 2007, 19: 1820-1825.

翁文*,姚碧霞,陈秀琴,陈友遵,林文士,曾庆乐. 液相色谱手性拆分机理的热力学方法研究. 化学进展, 2006, 18: 1056-1064.

● 黄庭庭,邹丽玲,赖雪婉,黄浩,张士超,郭嘉庆,翁文*.氮掺杂碳纳米粒子的制备及在游离氯检测中的应用. 分析化学, 2017,45(2):199-204.

● 张华,郭丹丽,邓毓文,姚碧霞,翁文*. 联萘酚在涂敷型淀粉衍生物手性固定相上拆分中的吸热保留及对映体洗脱顺序反转. 分析化学, 2013, 41: 1209-1213.

翁文*,林文士,熊雪珠,姚碧霞,曾庆乐. 纤维素型手性固定相拆分亚砜系列化合物. 分析化学, 2006, 34: 805-808.

翁文*,林敏,钟艺聪,陈武安,陈慧敏,曾庆乐. L-酒石酸型固定相对映分离氨基酸衍生物. 分析化学, 2004, 32: 213-216.

● 郭丹丽,张华,胡秋云,蔡三燕,陈梓云,翁文*. 不同载体涂敷的纤维素酯手性固定相的制备及性能. 应用化学, 2013, 30: 1231-1236.

翁文*,姚碧霞,刘锋,朱津,李赛清. 流动相组成对酒石酸衍生固定相手性拆分热力学函数的影响. 应用化学, 2005, 22: 800-803.

翁文*,姚碧霞,尤秀丽,曾庆乐. L-酒石酸型手性固定相拆分联萘酚对映体. 应用化学, 2004, 21: 853-855.

翁文*,姚碧霞,陈武安,郭鸿旭. 1,1’-联萘化合物的氧化偶联合成. 应用化学, 2003, 20: 618-623.

● 王沙,薛梅花,张颖,王长露,翁文*. 公石松和金线莲中黄酮类化合物成分对比研究. 福建分析测试2023322:1-415.

● 王长露, 张颖, 卢石孔,王沙, 翁文*. 虾青素油皂化的单因素及正交实验研究. 福建分析测试2024,331):1-4


1. 翁文黄浩姚碧霞. 一种二氧化钛/氮化碳复合纳米材料的制备方法. 专利号:ZL 2017 1 0557954.6.

2. 翁文姚碧霞杨新梅. 一种酒石酸与柠檬酸复合氮掺杂荧光聚合物纳米点的制备方法. 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0109451.9













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